Monday, November 27, 2023

Daniel Johnston - Songs of Pain (1988)


Side A:
1. Grievances
2. A Little Story
3. Joy Without Pleasure
4. Never Relaxed*
5. Brainwash*
6. Pothead
7. Wicked World
8. Lazy
9. I Save Cigarette Butts*

Side B:
10. Like a Monkey in a Zoo*
11. Wicked Will
12. An Idiot's End
13. Wild West Virginia
14. Urge
15. Living Life*
16. Tuna Ketchup
17. Premarital Sex*
18. Hate Song
Bonus Track - I Will (The Beatles Cover)

This is a slightly edited version of a Daniel Johnston album. I've been wanting to post something by Daniel for a while. I found this cassette which had a bunch of intros tacked onto some of the songs, so I took them out and then I also took out the songs Don't Be Nice and Since I Lost My Tooth for being too short. The tracks in asterisks had intros that I took out of them. As a bonus track, I took the intro from Never Relaxed and tacked it onto his cover of I Will by The Beatles. 

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