Side A:
1. Dream Factory
2. It's a Wonderful Day
3. Big Tall Wall
4. Teacher, Teacher
5. Sexual Suicide
Side B:
6. Rebirth of the Flesh
7. Train
8. Shockadelica
9. Good Love
10. And That Says What?
Side C:
11. Crystal Ball
12. Visions
13. A Place in Heaven
14. In a Large Room With No Light
Side D:
15. Power Fantastic
16. Last Heart
17. Witness 4 the Prosecution
18. All My Dreams
Just another blog dedicated to reconstructing unreleased albums (and sometimes reconstructing released albums). Blogs like these have a bias to focus on classic rock. While I do that too, I try to use music from all time periods.
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Prince - Dream Factory (2 LP) (1986)
Monday, September 23, 2024
The Crazy World of Arthur Brown - Strangelands (1970)
Side A:
1. The Sound of the City
2. Purple Airport of Love
3. All Over the Country
4. The Lord Doesn't Want You
5. Beyond the Sea
6. Endless Sleep
Side B:
7. Planet of the Universe
8. Excitation Wavelength
9. Litmus Transformation
10. Opus Pocus
11. Crystalized Petard
This is the second album by The Crazy World of Arthur Brown but it was recorded in 1969 and went unreleased until 1988. When it was reissued it included the album Replicas by Rustic Hinge which were a spin-off of the second version of the band which recorded an album in 1970 but also went unreleased until 1988. Between these two albums I tried to make a decent second album, however the Rustic Hinge one was all instrumental. This could be due to their connection to another band called High Tide. Regardless I took out four tracks from the original and included four from the Rustic Hinge album.
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Grateful Dead - Rolling Thunder (1972)
Side A:
1. Deal - Jerry Garcia
2. Black Throated Wind - Bob Weir
3. Fletcher Carnaby - Mickey Hart
4. Bird Song - Jerry Garcia
5. Walk in the Sunshine - Bob Weir
Side B:
6. Blind John - Mickey Hart
7. Sugaree - Jerry Garcia
8. Playing in the Band - Bob Weir
9. Young Man - Mickey Hart
Similarly to my Kiss and Yes albums, I put this one together by combining three solo albums made by members of the Grateful Dead in 1972. However they also all released albums in 1976, but two of them were released under a band name instead of the main members' name. The second side to Jerry's album had some weird electronic stuff going on which is pretty trippy. Also Bob's and Mickey's albums both had a version of Playing in the Band and Greatest Story Ever Told. Bob sang on both but the versions on Mickey's album had different names. I tried to keep it at around 40 minutes, but it meant I could only use three songs from each member. Playing in the Band first appeared on the 1971 Skull and Roses live album but appears here more fleshed out.
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Toadies - Feeler (1998)
1. Push the Hand
2. City of Hate
3. Waterfall
4. What We Have We Steal
5. Mine
6. Dead Boy Boogie
7. Tornado
8. Joey, Let's Go
9. Suck Magic
10. Clarksville
11. Your Day
12. Send You to Heaven
13. Doll Skin
The Toadies were a band that reached success with their song Possum Kingdom in 1994. Fans eagerly waited for the band's second album and they attempted to record one in 1998 but their label refused to release it. Because of that their actual second album Hell Below/Stars Above didn't come out until 2001. Three of the songs would later make it to their second album, Push the Hand, What We Have We Steal, and Doll Skin, but the band would later attempt to rerecord the album in 2010, with an additional song getting rerecorded in 2015. In place of the original tracks ATF Theme, Pink, Twitch, and Littlefish, I included the three tracks that got rerecorded for the second album but didn't include the 2010 version exclusive Trust Game.
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Nirvana - With the Lights On (Disc 7) (2005)
1. Scentless
Apprentice (1993 Demo)
2. Very
Ape (Demo #2)
3. Onward
Into Countless Battles (Dave's Meat Song)
4. Heart-Shaped Box (Demo)
5. I Hate Myself and Want to Die (Demo)
6. Milk It (Demo)
7. Moist Vagina (Demo)
8. Gallons of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through the
9. I Hate Myself and Want to Die
10. Moist Vagina
11. Marigold
You Know You’re Right
Pennyroyal Tea (Demo)
You Know You're Right (Demo)
Jesus Doesn't Want Me for a Sunbeam
18. Radio-Friendly Unit Shifter/My Sharona (Live 1994)
19. Sappy (Live 1994)
20. Baba O’Riley (Live 1994)
Friday, September 6, 2024
Nirvana - With the Lights On (Disc 6) (2005)
1. Where Did You Sleep Last Night? (Live 1991)
2. Here She Comes Now (Live 1991)
3. Irrelevant (Live 1991)
4. All Apologies (1992 Demo)
5. On a Plain (Live 1992)
6. Stain (Live 1992)
7. School (Live 1992)
8. Molly’s Lips (Live 1992)
9. Aneurysm (Live 1992)
Smells Like Teen Spirit (Live 1992)
Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle (Demo)
The "Priest" They Called Him
Dumb (Demo)
Tourette’s (Demo)
Rape Me (1992 Demo)
Friendly Unit Shifter (1992 Demo)
Serve the Servants (Demo)
Very Ape (Demo #1)
Scentless Apprentice (1992 Demo)
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Nirvana - With the Lights On (Disc 5) (2005)
1. Smells Like Teen Spirit (Demo)
2. Verse Chorus Verse (Demo)
3. Territorial Pissings (Demo)
4. Lounge Act (Demo)
5. Come As You Are (Demo)
6. Old Age (Demo)
7. Something in the Way (Demo)
8. On a Plain (Demo #2)
9. Drain You (Demo #1)
10. Stay Away (Demo)
11. Drain You (Demo #2)
12. Rape Me (1991 Demo)
Sappy (1991 Demo)
14. Dumb (Live 1991)
Drain You (Live 1991)
16. Endless, Nameless (Live 1991)
Vendetagainst (Live 1991)
18. Negative Creep
Curmudgeon (Live 1991)
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Nirvana - With the Lights On (Disc 4) (2005)
1.Token Eastern Song (Live 1989)
2. Love Buzz (Live 1989)
3. About a Girl (Live 1989)
4. Polly (Live 1989)
5. Dive (Live 1989)
6. About a Girl (#2) (Live 1989)
7. Love Buzz (#2) (Live 1989)
8. Spank Thru (Live 1989)
9. Sappy (1990 Demo)
Lithium (Live 1990)
Love Buzz (Live 1990)
Floyd the Barber (Live 1990)
Scoff (Live 1990)
14. Sappy (Live 1990)
15. Verse Chorus Verse (In His Hands) (Live 1990)
16. Lithium (Live 1990)
17. Been a Son (Live 1990)
18. Sliver (Demo)
19. Where Did You Sleep Last
Night? (Demo)
Radio-Friendly Unit Shifter (1991 Demo)
All Apologies (1991 Demo)
Token Eastern Song (Demo)
On a Plain (Demo #1)
Oh, the Guilt (Demo)
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Nirvana - With the Lights On (Disc 3) (2005)
1. Sound
of Dentage
2. Bambi
3. Laminated
4. Control
5. Punk
6. Boatakk
7. Love
My Family / Anorexorcist (1986 Demo)
8. Accusations
9. Spank
Thru (1986 Demo)
10. Insurance
11. Buffy’s Pregnant
12. Vaseline
13. Downer (1986 Demo)
Big Cheese (Live 1988)
Blew (Live 1988)
Bad Moon Rising (Live 1988)
Sifting (Demo)
Mr. Moustache (Demo)
Blew (Demo)
20. Dive (Demo)
21. Polly (1989 Demo)
Monday, September 2, 2024
Nirvana - With the Lights On (Disc 2) (2005)
1. Love Buzz (Demo)
2. Downer (1987 Demo)
3. Mexican Seafood (Demo)
4. Pen Cap Chew (Demo)
5. Spank Thru (1987 Demo)
6. Floyd the Barber (Demo)
7. White Lace and Strange (Demo)
8. Hairspray Queen (Demo)
9. Anorexorcist (1987 Demo)
If You Must (Demo)
Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves
Floyd the Barber (Original Mix)
Paper Cuts (Original Mix)
15. Downer (Live 1988)
16. Floyd the Barber (Live 1988)
17. Raunchola / Moby Dick (Live 1988)
18. Beans
19. Don't Want It All
20. Polly (1988 Demo)
21. About a Girl (Demo)
22. Creation
23. Black & White Blues
24. Escalator to Hell
25. Montage of Heck (Short Version)
This has been a daunting task to try to re-compile this thing. I had a whole alternate universe Nirvana box set made years ago, but I had to give it a major overhaul. This is based on the box set they put out in 2004 called With the Lights Out which had 3 CDs and a DVD. My initial version of it had 5 discs, but after a major overhaul it expanded to 8 CDs which I cut down to 7 CDs. So it'll take me a while to get through each disc.
For example in the last disc we left off at track 4 of the original disc. Track 5 was a previously unheard song called Mrs. Butterworth, although I since then used it for Ashamed to Be Human under the name New Union. However the whole band rehearsal tape that the song came from was later found, and it revealed another mysterious song known by fans as Weirdo. The next tracks were the also previously unheard Pen Cap Chew and If You Must which I also used for ATBH. In place of them I used the original mixes for Floyd the Barber and Paper Cuts from that same session. I then went with the same live tracks from 1988 that they did, however with the next batch of demos I took out Clean Up Before She Comes which I used for Free From Chains and added the last four tracks. Black and White Blues would be released on Montage of Heck.
Sunday, September 1, 2024
Nirvana - With the Lights On (Disc 1) (2005)
Pavement - Farewell Horizontal (2000)
1. Cataracts 2. Westie Can Drum 3. Winner of the 4. Birds in the Majic Industry 5. Harness Your Hopes 6. Roll With the Wind 7. Slowly Type...

1. Knowledge 2. Sound System 3. Jaded 4. Take Warning 5. The Crowd 6. Bombshell 7. Unity 8. Vulnerability 9. Bankshot 10. One of These Day...
Side A: 1. Hold Out Your Hand - Chris Squire 2. One Way Rag - Alan White 3. Australia - Steve Howe 4. Flight of the Moorglade - Jon Anderson...
Disc One: 1. Worms vs. Birds 2. Four Fingered Fisherman 3. Classy Plastic Lumber 4. From Point A to Point B (∞) 5. It Always Rains on a Pi...